Where We're From
During the first few sessions of REP this year, Waukegan freshmen and sophomores read George Ella Lyon's poem Where I'm From with their REP coaches allowing them to get to know a little more about each other in a new and interesting way. Scholars were then asked to reflect on and explore their own experiences and upbringing through creative writing. The results were a wide range of perspectives and lenses even though all of our Scholars share Waukegan as a part of their identity. Some of the Scholars and Scholar Coaches chose to submit their pieces, which can be read below.
Where I’m From
By Jordan Constantino '21
I am from
On Saturday
I am from a
green, big backyard
To splishing
and splashing
Out in the
family pool
I am from
spending family time.
On the grill
roasting corn.
From trips
to Florida
To the happiest
place on Earth.
From thrills
on coasters
screaming on rides.
To watching
movies with family
on family
celebrating holidays
together of
Where I’m From
By Annie Aviles-Zamora '20
I'm the spiciness in the candy kids used to eat
I'm the feeling of comfort knowing your dog is next to you
The goal you finally accomplished
I'm the kindful face you’d see smiling no matter the
Sunken realizations of knowing you’re leaving your loved
ones behind all alone
Never knowing whether you’ll see them again
I’m the forgotten opinions no one asked me for
I was the 4 year old who saw the world as a horrible place
The random phone call in the middle of the night which made
my heart hurt
Growing up with my missing family on the back of my mind
Knowing all of the family grudges we have against each other
I am the sigh of relief when you leave a toxic relationship
Being happier with the smallest detail of the day
Accepting life as it comes to you
Where I'm From
By a Waukegan SC
I am from a mom, couple of siblings,
and a dad
one may say.
I am from colorful Thanksgiving plates,
and the urge to travel.
I may be from back dirt roads and Great
Milk and Honey and comfort foods.
I am from Fatal Inventions and social
like is unfair, and you can have these hand me downs
I am from glia, neurons and
Philly, New Haven, White Bear Lake, Detroit and China.
I am from Summer nights drives on Lake
Shore Drive,
mom, couple of siblings and a dad.
The “not-so” North Shore Suburb and
trips to Hyde Park, Englewood and Harvey.
I am from play cousins and best
on Sundays with color hats, tears and shouts.
I am from quiet conversations with
From shouts, hugs and kisses.
Love you’s and good nights.
By Edwin
Felipe-Pozo '20
I am from
the gem
that shines
bright across the sea
I am from
the place
Hidden from
the pulse, in the trees
I am from
the place
where there
is many but none
except for
I am from a
That is
filled with so much love.
A place I
have known
The place
filled with chirp and joy
A place of
that comes with
the scent of care
The smell
that I’ve heard
The smell of
a lace unknown
The only
thing known
Is the scent
The place
where I am from
Where I'm From
By Frank Romero '21
I am from a district from teaching
to learning and Representing.
![]() |
Alyssa '21 (bottom row, second from the left) and Frank '21 (back row, second from the right) in their facilitation group at camp this summer. |
waking up every morning from the
headaches to stomach aches of passing
that exam. I am from the crumpled
paper in your book bag to the broken
pencil on the floor it is unstoppable.
by Alyssa Cole '21
I was gone when it happened
I was at church
with the rest of my family
Little did I know
that a little after we got home
something would change my whole life
A simple heartbeat
to nothing at all
I wish that I could have helped him
but it was too late
someone in my life
had just passed away
People brought gifts
and people prayed
People said I’m sorry
But in the end
after every day
you fell like a part within
left with him
Where I'm From
by Amber, SC
I am from a house painted in red,
the northside of Waukegan.
I am from unpaved streets that skinned my knees
(Gray, broken,
now covered in blood.)
I am from the crabapple
and the evergreen
whose sap and pines coated me
as I hid away.
I’m from peanut butter and jelly made daily,
tuna casarole eaten on Fridays during Lent.
I’m from the day-ins-and-day-outs
and the
from be quiet and listen.
I’m from the Dimitroffs and the Amedios,
Bulgarians and Italians, among other things.
From grandparents who risked everything
to be
Now in my computer are all these photos,
my memory,
taken by my mom
who is no longer here.
I am from those moments--
but continue to grow.
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